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Oh, how lucky we are.

When you’re a person who truly appreciates and values history, you will make it a point to be open and inquisitive when presented with something new. It may be big, it may be small, it may seem almost insignificant, but usually it is anything but insignificant, especially for the historical cascades of the generations that follow. For an easy example of this, it took Christopher Columbus almost a full month to cross from Spain to “the new world.” And even then it required four voyages across the Atlantic Ocean from Spain: in 1492, 1493, 1498 and 1502. A herculean effort by Columbus and his crew, without a doubt.

Traveling now is almost a given for “most” people and those of us who travel sometimes take it for granted. But, this post bridges the history that is ancient (Columbus) and history that is not new, but is still tangible and, unfortunately, tragic. Read the post, watch the video and consider how good we have it nowadays.

We think of the 1950’s as being “old” for sure, but that period was an advanced, if not simple, period in time. Things were available. People had money and there was purchasing power, which was often expended on travel. Sometimes we wistfully look back at those not-too-distant days and sigh, thinking that it was “the bees knees” as they used to say.

But not for everyone. Watch the video above about a plane crash flying in to Gander, Newfoundland. The video tells all of the story, but the remarkable aspect is that, due to the inhospitable terrain, the plane was not easily accessible. People did, indeed, lose their lives in this disaster. Reflect, though on the risk of a fatality from commercial air travel was 1 per every 13.7 million passenger boardings globally in the 2018-2022 period. Incredible, really. If this kind of history is for you, watch the video and see what happened to the passengers, and what still remains.

Read more here for the full story. If you decide to visit the site, be respectful and mindful of those who died and are still buried there.

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