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Oh, haha. The Scilly islands are nothing to laugh at…

… so discover why they’re not silly. Yes, you read that correctly, but what you read is probably not what you thought you’d read. And pity the poor denizens on the Scilly islands, having to hear dumb jokes every time the place is mentioned. You might be surprised to find that we will not make Scilly islands jokes either, even though that is our want; you know us.

Getting back on track after that diversion, what exactly are Scilly islands and why should you visit them? They are a group of islands located off the coast of Cornwall, England, known for their stunning natural beauty, crystal-clear waters, and relaxed atmosphere. And, often an absence of tourists. Woo hoo!

So, h are a few reasons why you might consider visiting. First, if you’re into history, The Scilly Isles have a rich history, dating back to prehistoric times. There are a selection of stunning historic sites to explore, including ancient monuments and castles.

Being islands, Scilly’s swimming, sailing, fishing, and other water sports are the order of the day: you won’t go wanting. And, in many ways, they are a world away from the mainland UK, with a laid-back atmosphere and stunning natural beauty.

One idea is to visit car-free. Click here to learn more about how to do that and get some top ideas courtesy of London’s TheGuardian newspaper; always a good read, every day.

You might want to fly there. Lufthansa’s Eurowings have options to Saint Mary’s in Scilly. Click here to book.

Booking․com have everything you need when you travel, including cars. Click here to book.

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