One day, very soon, the existing Powers That Be will shuffle of their mortal coils and, with any luck, the rest of them will wake up to the fact that the rest of the 8,045,311,437+ humans will want peace. They will want prosperity. And, most of all, they will want to be free to do what they wish. Almost all people in the world want to travel, see the world and meet the planet’s people. It’s only natural and, as we always say here, it’s one of the best things in the world.
Which brings us to a good example of being a world citizen, and also “doing things that people do.” In this case, it’s an air show, an activity that many people love (like us.) Air shows are inspirational for those who can partake, and for those who can’t. And they’re just plane fun (pun intended.) One person on the web who truly embodies this is Sam Chui. Ostensibly an aviation nerd, Sam makes friends wherever he goes in the aviation world, and one fine example of his efforts is him being invited a few years back by North Korean to enjoy a North Korean airs show. Yes, this could be considered a bit nerdy on our part, but actually it’s one giant leap for mankind. After all, every one of us is human. Let’s get together and make things right. Watch how Sam does it.

Visit downtown Pyongyang. Smile at the wonderful people. Fantastic.
Pyongyang Sunan International Airport (FNJ) is North Korea’s main airport.

Fly to China on British Airways, and then, flights go to North Korea. Skyscanner can help you find flights to North Korea. See below.

Tripadvisor can get you there. Click here to look and book your next adventure.