The rich are an interesting bunch. Some are so completely invisible, you don’t even know they exist. Some are in your face almost every day: you know who we’re talking about. And, lately, with social media, you can’t get away from them. All you can do is marvel at their lifestyles, while weeping at how much money they make – and how some of them seem to squander their billions in a blink of an eye.
So, that’s why we want to highlight this feature about Sir Richard Branson, owner of the Virgin empire. Yes, he’s rich. Yes, he sometimes makes that quite apparent, but – to us, anyway – he seems to be far more sensible and less of a show-off than other bigwigs. And the video below, courtesy of, demonstrates that. Here, Sir Richard shows off his ethos by saving money – and, possibly the planet – but making sensible decisions when it comes to keeping his Virgin planes in the air. Waste not, want not. In this day and age, something as “simple” as this can make a big difference in your ticket prices, as well as your planet.
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