. . . anymore. Well, that’s the truth, isn’t it? We won’t get into that anymore. We’ll go right to the subject matter. Once, there was a “post-punk” British band in the late 1970’s called The Stranglers. They became quite popular due to their angular, aggressive way of playing and their no-nonsense approach to controversial lyrics. (It’s ironic, because their biggest hit Golden Brown, (which was massive) was more of a 3/4 waltz than abrasive punk. It even included a harpsichord. The band had morphed into another style entirely.

We were younger in that time period and loved The Stranglers. We didn’t live in the UK until much later, but had always heard rumours that the band played locally in pubs, as well as in packed concerts.
We had also heard that there was another pub, not too far away, where the likes of Phil Collins (of Genesis) and Eric Clapton (no introduction required) would surreptitiously show up and jam, as well. As it happens, we missed all of those ad-lib nights out with those gods of rock.
Jump to now . . . September 2024. We recently were made aware of the pub that hosted the Stranglers is still alive and pulling pints for us rock minions.
Known as Surrey’s ‘most stylish village’ with and supposedly, UK’s oldest pub, Chiddingfold, The Crown pub is everything that you think a pub should be. Slightly out of town. ✔ An inspiring selections of beverages ✔ a delightful part of the UK ✔ and easy access from the north and the south ✔

Why not stop by for a pint? Or, even better, have several pints and stay at The Inn. Click here to book.

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