When you travel by air, you’re probably the same as . . . well, every other passenger in the terminal. Inevitably, you’ll be huffing your way down the concourse at full speed, trying not to miss your flight. And, to put salt on the wound, as you get near your gate, you find that some airports have missing terminal numbers Why, why why? Well, as it happens, it’s a bit more complex to explain, but that doesn’t help you if you’re late. Trying to find the right terminal can be an O’ Hairy experience.
As ever, Simple Flying has got the answer, simples! Watch the video above.
As you might guess, there are any number of reasons why this happens. Some are easy to fix. Others have these “problematic” roots way back in time, usually associated with the constant change that airports undergo. Below are a few culprits to keep in mind. Trying to find the right terminal can be an
O’ hairy experience. Read more, below.

Expansion or Renovation: Airports undergo expansions or renovations to accommodate increasing passenger traffic or to enhance facilities. During such processes, new terminals may be added, and the numbering system might be revised. If the terminal numbers are missing, it could be due to ongoing construction or changes in the terminal layout.
Historical Reasons: Terminal numbering systems may evolve over time, and missing terminal numbers could be a result of historical changes, mergers, or reorganizations in the airport’s infrastructure. Older airports may have gone through transformations that affected their terminal numbering.
Temporary Configurations: In certain cases, airports may have temporary configurations or modular structures that serve as terminals, and these may not be assigned formal numerical designations.
So, do yourself a favour. Plan ahead. Give yourself lots of time to get there. Take the train!

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