Here’s an old saw: A sailor went to sea sea sea, to see what they could see see see*. Ready for fun and mind-blowing scenes? Our affiliate friends, MSC Cruises is finally set to reach the Last Frontier: Seattle, Alaska and more. It’s everything you would want.
Glaciers: Witness massive glaciers calving into the ocean, creating awe-inspiring icebergs. You’ll fjord your way through deep, narrow inlets carved by glaciers, surrounded by towering cliffs and ancient forests. Spot humpback, orca, and gray whales breaching and feeding in their natural habitat. And, you can relax, of course, too. If you’ve not seen it, words cannot describe it.
Of course, you can behold the magic of North America, the mysteries of the Nordics, the exotic Caribbean, MSC cruises to South America Asia and South Africa and their exclusive targets, Ocean Cay MSC Marine as well as other destinations. It’s fun that you can fjord. Want to get started? Click here.

With many exciting and tailored excursions to enjoy, there is no end of opportunity to be curious and adventurous with MSC Cruises. Browse their selection of 2024 and 2025 cruise destinations and learn more about where we’re taking you on your next getaway. Ready? Click here to book.

But all that they could see see see, was the bottom of the deep blue sea sea sea.