When we can, we feature YouTube videos created by Walk with Me Tim. They’re definitely worth watching, especially if you’re planning a trip. Tim is very accurate and precise when he creates his vids. Always humorous, he really digs down deep to show you what’s what when you travel. We’ve already shared some of this videos, and now he’s done it again.
This time he evaluates and compares Virgin Atlantic Upper-Class with other Luxury airlines (although, to be fair, Virgin may not quite sit in the same class as Emirates or Qatar.)
But, as you watch this, you will likely find some good ideas on how to take the plunge on more expensive flights that fit into your price range. And, from our perspective, we have lots of good things to say about Virgin. (To be transparent, Virgin are one of our affiliate friends, but we still aim to give you a clear view of what’s on offer.) But, we like the airline, affiliates or not.
Call us naive, but how can you possibly go wrong when you have these kinds of options?

We think that you’ll find Virgin to be an eye-opener no matter which class you take. Click here to book.

As if top notch flights aren’t enough, Virgin offer some rather tasty holiday options, too. Click here.