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Like a hurricane?

There’s calm in the eyes. But Who on earth would like a hurricane? That’s not even funny, and it wasn’t meant to be. Suffice to say that it is an incredibly intense and terrifying experience. One of the most notable features of a hurricane is the extremely strong winds, which can reach speeds of over 150 mph (240 km/h) in the most severe storms.

These winds can cause significant damage to buildings, uproot trees, and turn loose objects into dangerous projectiles. You’ve certainly seen videos, with more and more appearing every day as the earth warms up and sends us messages about what we should be doing about it. And yet, we don’t listen. Mother Earth is not happy.

Whether you find yourself in the middle of weather like this or not, it’s good to be well-prepared. And one crucial element of being prepared is to have the right kind of insurance if thing go bottom-up. Our affiliate friends, World Nomads have a variety of excellent choices for travel insurance. See below.

So, what’s the difference between a hurricane, a cyclone, and typhoon? These are all terms for the same weather phenomenon – a large, potentially destructive storm system which only forms in warm tropical waters. The main difference is where the storm occurs: Hurricanes form over warm water, either tracking inland or further out to sea to die out, depending on conditions. Hurricane warnings can be in place for several days, and can even come out of nowhere.

The best way to survive a hurricane is to avoid one – if a storm is potentially heading towards a place you’re planning to go, change your plans. If you’re already in the path of the storm, get away from it – but make the decision to leave early.

Don’t wait until the last minute, because you may find yourself caught without proper shelter. If you decide to stay and ride it out, it’s advisable to get to an authorized evacuation center. The locations of these will be broadcast, or locals will know where they are. If there is no shelter, prepare to “shelter in place” in an internal room without windows. Click here to learn more.

Hurricanes can happen almost anywhere, so be prepared.

Our affiliate friends, World Nomads have a variety of excellent choices for travel insurance. Click above.

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