We are no pundits, nor experts in this field and we don’t really like to write these kinds of posts, to be honest. But the world is in an almost existential mess right now, one that we can’t recall ever seeing as being this potentially catastrophic. Loud, clueless “leaders” are stomping around in their big boy pants, throwing their toys out of the pram, boasting about their billions, and so far, there’s very little that we can do to stop it. Not good.
What can we do? We can think. And we can fight back. There’s more of us than them. Let’s jump in right now, arm in arm, and see what we all can do, before it’s too late to turn back.
One place to start is understanding Chaos theory, a branch of mathematics that studies complex systems that exhibit seemingly random or unpredictable behavior. But don’t let that scare you for now, as that is cyclical and even predictable. The harder they come, the harder they fall.

Next comes sensitivity to Initial Conditions: This is perhaps the most famous aspect of chaos theory, often illustrated by the “butterfly effect.” It suggests that small changes in initial conditions can have a significant and unpredictable impact on the long-term outcome of a system. And this is where it gets interesting for us peons.
Example: The flapping of a butterfly’s wings in one part of the world could theoretically set off a chain of events that ultimately leads to a tornado in another part of the world.
One place that Chaos Theory is relevant in the world’s Stock Market: It is another complex system influenced by numerous factors, including investor sentiment, economic news, and global events.
These factors can interact in unpredictable ways, leading to sudden market fluctuations, especially in the hands of self-centered billionaires and politicians. Watch the video above, and learn courtesy of the BBC.com