Avid travelers will always keep their eyes open for the latest must-see destination, of course. And, as the world gets bigger and more connected, those in the know will do what it takes to see the newest corner of the planet. Even better, it’s getting so much easier to get around in new environs due to the latest tech: websites (like ours) are multilingual. Almost everyone is included (thanks to Google Translate.) You can even download Google Translate to your phone with your chosen lingua and . . . off you go!

But, it must be said that you’ll succeed far more times if you prepare and take some time ahead of your trip to learn some of the basic words and phrases of your destination. If you’ve read about the recent revolts in places such as Venice, you’ll know that the locals lately have very thin fuses when it comes to careless and thoughtless travelers. You can’t blame them. Read the article here courtesy of Euronews.com about how the French people’s fuses are getting shorter and shorter.

When in Paris, stay at the lovely Hotel Champ de Mars. We love it. You will too. Click here to book.

It’s Europe. Take the train. Raileurope are the way to go. Click here to look and book.