. . . with many a winding turn as The Hollies once said in their song “He Ain’t Heavy, He’s my Brother.” And, sadly isn’t that the truth, even more today? In today’s world climate, every day, every footstep feels longer, heavier and more ponderous. But let’s put this simile aside for now and get to the real gist of this post’s topic: it’s the long, long road that we actually focus on here. And where is that, you might ask? It starts from Cape Town (South Africa) to progresses to Magadan (Russia.) It’s 22,387 kilometers and it takes 4,492 hours to finish. Along the way, you traverse through 17 countries, six time zones and every season of the year. If you feel like “you’ve seen it before and you’ve done it before,” then this post gives you pause to reflect… and perhaps take action. It’s not for everybody.

It would be 187 days of walking nonstop, or 561 days walking 8 hours a day. And, it’s a slog all the way, as you wind through seventeen countries, six time zones and every season of the year. Were you to embark on this ambitious and -let’s face it – slightly insane adventure you would have spent 187 days walking nonstop, or 561 days walking 8 hours a day. Better get good boots. It’s not for everyone. Click here for more details and images, courtesy of Sir David Attenborough.
And if you think that’s something, watch the video below courtesy of the ever intrepid Drew Binsky, who has traveled to all 197 countries. He’s had his ups and downs, but it was an adventure like no other.
A little walking music for you above, courtesy of the always excellent Hollies.

Even if you’re just out for a hike, Cabela’s can be your best friend for boots, clothes & more. Click here.