Now here’s a question that’s never been posed to us, and we never thought that it would be a “thing.” But apparently it is. Darwin would be proud. The rest of us would be alive. But, yes, it’s a real thing. From Iceland to Guatemala to Hawaii, active volcanoes are a major tourism draw. The thrill of visiting one is undeniable, but how dangerous is it? Hear from experts about the risks and how to plan your visit safely.
Our affiliate friends, WorldNomads know a thing or two about travel, which is why they’ve produced this content, just in case you’re pondering the idea. Visiting active volcanoes can be an exhilarating experience, as Author Taylor, can attest, can be summed up through his experiences on this. Read his report, below.

Visiting the 2022 eruption of Fagradalsfjall on the Reykjanes Peninsula remains one of the most memorable days of my life. But alongside the thrill of seeing new earth literally being molded in front of me, I remember the risks as well. Harmful gases collecting in valleys and being carried by the wind across hiking trails. News of a tourist going missing in the area due to bad weather. Video footage of other people walking across freshly hardened lava, only a thin crust between their feet and the molten lava below.
What began as a tourist attraction has now become a serious threat to the livelihood of the Reykjanes Peninsula. But despite the dangers, interest in volcano tourism continues to surge, not just in Iceland. This raises the question: how safe is volcano tourism? Visiting a volcano obviously comes with significant risks, but the combination of beauty and fear makes it one of the most exciting things you’ll ever do. Read more here to make a better decision.

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