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I Bought The ‘Severance’ Building

Whether you’re a working stiff like most of us, or alternately, you have some cash and want to blow it on what probably ends up being a bit of a folly, it’s clearly your choice about how you spend your dinero. Some of us squirrel the money away for a rainy day, or for that “big blow out” holiday that you’ve been saving for decades.

. . others put their cash into real estate, which also can be a bit of a crap shoot. In this post though, it’s all of that and none of that. Imagine buying a huge office building just because you want to. Oh, BTW: the building cost a cool $27 million. So, you may be asking why is this appearing here, editor? What’s in it for me? To cut a long story short, you can visit this place, as many times as you’d like.

The magnanimous owner has opened it to the public as a space for the people and by the people. What, you may ask? Watch the video. Why can’t more wealthy people be like this? Someone give this gentleman a medal. Elon, are you listening?

Remember – regular humans are welcome to enjoy this space. It’s waiting there for you.

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Stay at the homey Country Inn, near the Severance Building. To book, click here.

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