We’re talking here about freedom, something that seems to be in short supply in this time and place. Clouds hang over so many countries, all at once. A handful of very wealthy and loud autocrats have taken control of most of what is ours and now tell us what to do and what not to do. And, who is the largest and loudest of purveyors of freedom? It’s the USA of course. No-one can be sure what the next four years will bring, but we’ve had enough of a prelude to get the picture.
This is a simple caricature of today’s America, but the essence is there. If you want to really understand this place, you need to be at the coal face, see the sights, meet the people and form your own opinion. We have a tour for you that will be quite useful to make up your mind. Our affiliate friends, Britain’s Travelsphere, have the USA tour for you: America’s Historic East with New York extension. Begin in Washington to discover the iconic White House and the National Mall, head south to the buzzing city of Richmond, the capital of the Confederacy during the Civil War and discover Jamestown.

You’ll see where the first British settlement was established in 1607. You’ll then head to Charlottesville, the home of Thomas Jefferson and discover the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. After a visit to Gettysburg and an Amish community in Pennsylvania, we’ll pause in Philadelphia, where the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776, and home of the Liberty Bell, Independence Hall and the Franklin Institute. Finally, the tour will end with an extended stay in the metropolis of New York City. Click here to book.

It’s called The Big Apple for a reason. Get ready for fun, history and 150% personality. Hurry up. Get it while it lasts. Click here to book.