We love London: we write about it all the time. And, every time we turn a corner, there’s always something new, intriguing or mind-blowing that makes us want to stop, ponder and marvel at this indescribable metropolis and walk away enlightened and smiling. It’s an old city: the first major settlement was founded by the Romans around 47 AD. But, the London today is also as new as tomorrow, as it changes – literally – every day. But one thing that is forever treasured and eternal is The Tube. Of course, The Tube should technically be known as The London Underground but real Londoners don’t have time to spew out all of those syllables. They’ve got things to see and people to do. Without a doubt, hopping on to The Tube daily is one of them.

TFL, who manage The Underground state that The London Underground is a rapid transit system serving Greater London and some parts of the adjacent home counties of Buckinghamshire, Essex and Hertfordshire in England. But, everyone who uses the Tube knows that London would dry up and die if The Tube stopped working. And during wartime, many people did. But they all left once the bombing stopped.
Holding on to that thought, one of our fave YouTube celebrities is Jago Hazzard. Always eloquent, always sharp as a tack and always, always interesting, he recently posted a video on YouTube posing the question “Could You Live on the London Underground?” And, as it transpires, the answer is not as easy as you think.
Not that we’re even suggesting that you try it, but you’ve got to admire Jago’s ability to get to the bottom of things. And, as we were watching it, we wondered what happen to the many homeless people who actually do find ways of staying on The Tube. Surely London is not the only city with the kind of conundrum. Watch above and thank your lucky stars.

It could be tempting if you’re sleeping rough, as we say in the UK. But any old port in a storm. And, as The Bard himself, William Shakespeare once said; And oftentimes, to win us to our harm, The instruments of darkness tell us truths, Win us with honest trifles, to betray’s In deepest consequence.

If you do find yourself down and out, the Internet suggests The Passage is a ray of hope. Click here.