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Hi you – go to Bayeux

If you’re not aware, the Bayeux Tapestry is a 70-metre-long embroidered cloth that depicts the events of the Norman conquest of England, culminating in the Battle of Hastings.  This was a turning point in not only the shaping of England, but it also created shockwaves that reverberated throughout Europe as well.

The tapestry was likely created around AD 1070 by Anglo-Saxon artists in England, on the commission of Bishop Odo of Bayeux, France

Until now, you could only view this marvelous artefact by visiting the tapestry in its museum in Bayeux, France (which definitely should be in your travel list.)

Happily, this has been digitised in high resolution and made available to the public.  

Click here (courtesy of to marvel at this nearly perfect slice of history

And don’t forget to consult the Open Travel Index if you want to see it live.

Click on the image above to discover lots of activities in Bayeux.