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Hell’s Gate . . . again?

For some reason, our forbearers were always afraid of, or enraptured with Hell. We reckon that the reason is because they were perennially in peril. Times were hard way back when, so we should give them their do.

For me, anyway, Hell nowadays is being squeezed on a Boeing 737 Max in the middle seat with two rather larger fellow passengers on either side, especially when they’re snoring. But that’s just me: I count my blessings in other ways.

But, we happened upon a video this morning that either gave balance to the whole Heaven / Hell discussion by being both a the same time, depending on the person. For some, gliding across a roaring river in a gondola is sheer bliss. For others, it’s sheer hell.

For me, it’s the latter. Finding gondolas is not always easy and, sometimes not even attainable, but the video below portrays a happy medium: a safe and sturdy, modern gondola shuttling residents and tourists alike across a roaring river. It’s BC’s Cariboo Wagon Road (BC is British Columbia, Canada BTW) and it offers the best of all worlds: outdoors and lively cities.

What makes it even more appealing to you explorers is that the Hells gate tunnel… north end… was completed 1960… its only a couple hundred meters south of the Ferabee tunnel that was completed in 1964. So what you see is what you get. Some history, some fun and perhaps a little nail-biting, but for sure, a whole lot of fun – especially if this part of the world is for you, or is waiting for you.

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