No, this has nothing to do with high school wrestling in the United States. That would be known as a half-Nelson. Our topic today is far more interesting in our view, especially if you’re one of those who love to uncover and discover places that have long been buried, or ignored, or forgotten, or all of the above. These kinds of places pop up out of nowhere, perhaps as the sands (literally) of time gently expose them back into view for the curious to uncover and, excitedly, promote amongst friends and kindred aficionados. If you love looking for nothing, but then find something worthy, you’ll know what we mean.
Today’s lost world is a rather fantastic place – Nelson Nevada, USA. Nelson Ghost Town located in southern Nevada is one of those marvels. It’s almost like someone set it up to act as an amusement park, but that’s probably not the truth, or at least all of it. It’s like a hurricane of American history all in one place. Rusted cars, trailers, even military aircraft, all there for you to behold, but, also to leave be: no looting, please. Watch the video below, courtesy of Remote Trooper, who, in addition to creating the video, also has a broad sense of each of the artifacts there, commenting on the makes of rusted American cars, buildings, etc. It’s fun to watch, as you’re, in a sense, witnessing history in its own right. Watch the video below.

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