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Give this man a medal.

We here at Matouring are always on the warpath to try to instill the urgency for fellow humans to realise that the planet is burning, and we’re all to blame. This is no joke. What will we leave our children? So, we do the best we can by taking trains, using a very efficient German car, walking whenever we can, and looking for every opportunity to help make a difference.

But we came upon a video yesterday that blows our efforts into the weeds, and the gentleman who features in this probably doesn’t realise what a hero he is. Ironically, he happens to live in Vancouver and also happens to work for the company that provides the city with its transit options, TransLink.  

See if you can top this. You may say he’s crazy. But, if so, he’s crazy like a fox. A Translink employee traveled from Vancouver to Tijuana, Mexico entirely by public transit. Was he trying to prove something? No, other than that local transit offered in all cities are really a good idea and we should use it. Simples.

Good for the planet, but also on your wallet. Wait until he divulges how much he spent. Watch the video above. And click here if you want to view a some possible routes to do the same. Have fun, including bragging rights, but also saving cash while doing the right thing. Our hero!

Better spend some time in Mountain Warehouse to get some solid foot ware. Click here.

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