There’s nothing more infuriating than slapping down often tens of thousands of dollars, pounds or Euro, only to find that what you thought was a safe spend, turns out to be a false (or mismanaged) promise for canceled or delayed flights. Has this happened to you? Did you get what you were promised?
If your answer is a resounding “! no” then you might want to read learn about what you can do if you find yourself in that annoying situation. Air passenger compensation. “What are your rights when a flight goes wrong?” courtesy of The Independent UK. Find out what to do and how to fight back. Click here.

Your flight is cancelled, overbooked or delayed: what, if anything, does the airline owe you? The rules are tangled and really depend on where your flight first commences and the airline in question. Sometimes you may be entitled to a hotel room, all meals and hundreds in cash; in other situations you may just have to put a dismal aviation episode down to expensive experience, and see if your travel insurer can help. But it doesn’t have to end with you losing out. Click here to find out to win in these situations. Don’t get angry, get even.
Our affiliate friends, World Nomads‘ travel policies can often help. Click on the banner image above.