As is part of our job here on our site, one aspect is to try to actually experience what we write about. That’s a tall order – it’s a big world, after all. But, periodically, we can relay our tried and true, unabashed impressions of travel experiences. We recently flew from Vancouver (our home base) to London to stay with family. Usually, when we make this flight we make an effort to specifically choose Air Transat.
We genuinely like Air Transat and what it stands for. Flexible itineraries, competitive prices and, most of all, Airbus jets. For this most recent flight, as it happened, we were switched, kind of at the last minute from Air Transat to Porter, another Canadian airline. We had a mixed experience. Not too long after our experience, a YouTube video popped up about the author’s thoughts . . .
about Porter. For the most part, we agreed. The jets were good (Embraer) the staff in the air were on top of their job, but both the author and I had different experiences with the teams behind the counter. At least from my experience, they didn’t really seem to put too much effort into it, especially when my flight had been canceled in the middle of the night. And keep in mind that I am a senior, and a travel writer. They didn’t even direct me towards a place to sit while all of the customer services were trying to work things out. I was forced to sit on the floor.
Of course, all airlines face problems, especially in icy Canada. Both the author above and I went away with different feelings, but mine was of disappointment. If you’ve had this kind of experience, then watch the video. We’re curious to see what our readers think. Again, this is my opinion, and not necessarily of the YouTube author.

We were to fly on AirTransat, which is always a good experience. Try them if you haven’t yet. Click here.

Expedia will look after you. We’ve had good experiences with them time and time again. Click here to book.