Like the leaves of autumn, businesses come and businesses go. Dust in the wind, as it were. We would show a list here, but it is far too long and, likely, boring. But, after reading a recent article, we were more than a little surprised to see that a long-gone bellwether seems to have managed to rise from the ashes like the proverbial Phoenix.
Who here remembers Pan Am airlines? Probably not too many: that was then, but this is now. Pan American World Airways, originally founded as Pan American Airways and more commonly known as Pan Am, was an airline that was the principal and largest international air carrier and unofficial overseas flag carrier of the United States for much of the 20th century.

It was the first airline to fly worldwide and pioneered numerous innovations of the modern airline industry, such as jumbo jets and computerized reservation systems. Until its dissolution on December 4, 1991, Pan Am “epitomized the luxury and glamour of intercontinental travel”, and it remains a cultural icon of the 20th century, identified by its blue globe logo
(“The Blue Meatball”), the use of the word “Clipper” in its aircraft names and call signs, and the white uniform caps of its pilots. If you flew Pan Am, you were up there with the Hoi polloi. A most amazing menu of destinations, the most modern fleet on the planet at the time, sumptuous meals – wine included, of course.
If you missed your chance to bask in that stratified period in time, well history has repeated itself, of sorts. Following the recent announcement that Pan Am commemorative flights will be offered as a special tour, U.S. travel advisors are showing interest in the brand, which defined aviation as a glamorous experience. With limited availability for 2025 flights tracing the legendary Southern and Northern Transatlantic routes pioneered by Pan American World Airways, it is clear that interest in travel from a bygone era is high.
Alas, you won’t be flying a glorious 747 (it will be a Boeing 757.) But perhaps you will still get the rush of being a part of history. To have flown a Pan Am Boeing 747 shouted out that you’ve made it: you’re in “the club.” Interested in the “biz” side of all of this and to see what’s coming? Click here courtesy of View from the And speaking of you’ve made it: you’re in “the club, Bookings for the journey are open now with limited availability at $59,950 per person based on twin occupancy or $65,500 for single occupancy. For more information and to make a reservation call 888-PAA-1927 or click on Pan Am: Tracing the Transatlantic Routes.)

To have flown a Pan Am Boeing 747 shouts out that you’ve made it: you’re in “the club”
You may get only part of the way in this adventure, but at least you can fly in a Boeing 747 today. Click here.