The wonderful thing about this day and age is that almost everything is there, at our fingertips. Some of us may remember having to physically go to a library just to find out about the latest info on whatever we were currently infatuated with. Newspapers went some of the way to quench our thirsts, but most of them were simply too parochial and would rarely “push out the boat” to include topics that were different, a bit out-of-the-ordinary or just too way-out.
Sometimes these “taboo” or “unusual” topics were things that were not shared to the general public, or maybe buried somewhere to minimise the damage. More often than not, “minimising the damage” usually meant hiding or hushing or burying something that the general public really didn’t need to know about. Many conspiracy theories relate to supposed clandestine government plans and elaborate murder plots. In principle, conspiracy theories are not always false by default and their validity depends on evidence just as in any theory. Sometimes, the “conspiracy” as it were finally bubbles to the top and, as they say, the truth is revealed.

So, here we discuss New York City’s Flatiron Building. You may not know it by name, but the minute you see a picture of it, or encounter it in real life, there will be no mistake about it. That owes in part to its tendency to appear in the vintage imagery of New York that adorns the walls of cafés, hotel rooms, and dentists’ offices across the world. Why is one of New York’s most famous landmarks empty, then? Watch the video below, courtesy of the always interesting

Want to explore the Flatiron environs? The Walker Hotel Greenwich Village is nearby. Click here.

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Rail is the best way to get to NYC. OMIO have solutions for you. Click here.