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Extremadura. It sounds like a metal band, or some kind of new cleansing product, doesn’t it? Keeping on this vague theme, what do you think it might mean? If you’ve been to Spain, then you probably know and, hence, will be excluded of this quiz.

Surprisingly, for the number of times that we’ve been to Spain (dozens) the editor and his much better half were scratching our heads and pondering why we thought that we recalled the place, but didn’t know too much about it and, even more relevant to this post, why Extremadura doesn’t bubble up to shine, shoulder to shoulder, with Spain’s other marvels.

So, if you will, let us all go together and discover yet another Spanish gem. Probably topic number one is that it lacks coastal appeal: Unlike other Spanish regions, Extremadura is inland and doesn’t have the immediate draw of beaches.

Its remote location: could be another drawback. It’s situated in the southwestern part of Spain, making it less accessible for some travelers. Also, compared to more popular regions, Extremadura hasn’t had as much international promotion. We have to admit that we’re amiss there, too. Sorry Extremadura. We’ll do better next time.

So, let’s take a further look and see if we all can fix this together. If you’re seeking an authentic Spanish experience away from the tourist crowds, Extremadura is perfect. You’ll encounter friendly locals and authentic traditional customs. And if history is your bag, the region is steeped in history, with Roman ruins, medieval castles, and historic towns like Mérida and Cáceres.

But, here is a real teaser that may make you really think about visiting and, perhaps, even renting or buying a place there. Fame and fortune is calling you. And you can be part of the scene. But there’s much to adore about Extremadura, especially with its new financial allure.

According to Schengen News, the region has allocated €2 million to attracting digital nomads. Interested? Read more here courtesy of Spain Property Guides.

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