We were spending some time this morning, relaxing and perusing the latest offerings from the Internet, especially what’s up on YouTube. We happened upon the video below, courtesy of the author and filmmaker, Laura BC. At first, the video appeared to be a tutorial on drone videos; you know, finding the right angles, the best lighting, the framing of each shot to present a picturesque image that will “wow” everyone who sees it. And, she certainly has the creds to convince you that her techniques are worth using – and they are.
But, part way through the video, Laura was filming on a rocky place, with rather high winds. Next thing you know, she is struggling to control the drone and things began to get tense. And – here is what we think is the best part of the video – about how to go into disaster mode, when the drone is not behaving as it should and you’re at the risk of losing a device that might be worth between $600 and $1,000. Laura shows you -in the heat of the moment – how to take back control. This video is definitely worth watching, if only for that disaster masterclass, but also to be alongside Laura as she captures some of the most picturesque scenes of Spain’s Basque country.

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