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Define “Worst . . .”

Ever since social media took over our eyeballs and our craniums, it’s been a constant battle for us wrinkly old folks to find fun, funny, kind and useful content on the web. If it’s not some 14 year old “genius” it’s a 21 year old showing us her navel. We don’t know about you, it’s tiring. Is this what we’re meant to be using up our electricity for? Well, this morning a video popped up about travel in the UK and, after about a minute, we thought, here we go again. Another young guy barking out this is insane!!

Well, we gave him the benefit because he’s from the North of England, and they don’t muck about. Soon, after sticking with him, his video turned into a funny, historical and almost nostalgic journey devoted to road trips. Remember them? If you do, this video will make you want to fire up your sedan and follow wandering turnip as he rewinds the clock.

As he writes “Us Brits love nothing more than a long distance drive which means we have to frequent the many services that sit along the motorway, and it is always a roll of the dice whether it is going to be heaven or hell. A fine spread of options and clean toilets…or an abandoned shell with terrible coffee.”

“I hit the road to first see what is hailed as the BEST service, and then come across the strange, the iconic and finally the appalling.” Treat yourself to a happy, clever and engaging adventure.

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