We always like to keep you updated on stuff. And some of the stuff may not always seem to relate to travel. But, rest assured, our aim is true. You see, sometimes – most times actually – there is a veritable bee-hive of activity happening to allow you to book your trip online. Or, to make sure that your flight is the right one, going to the right place. Or even that where you finally end up is ready for you and that your holiday is a joy rather than a disaster. Oftentimes, work goes on in the background – or in this case, deep underground – to not only make you happy, but everyone around you.
Who doesn’t want to go to Sydney, Australia? Few people would say no. It’s just one of those places that calls out your name. But, surprise, surprise, people actually live and work there. And those people need to get around. So, behold Sydney’s new train that actually travels under Sydney Harbour. If you know Sydney, it can be a slog to get from Point A to Point B. This new and slick “underground” will make your Sydney holiday even better, if that’s even possible.
Watch the video below, courtesy of Sydney’s 7NEWS

Have a Captain Cook at Bondi Beach. What does that mean? Book = look.

Wow, talk about groovy. Check out – and then check in – the Hotel Ravesis. Click here to book.

Might as well go for the full dinkum. Choose Virgin Australia to get to Oz. Click here.

How about a relaxing cruise around the Harbour? Click here to book.