Cruises up to the great white north are ever popular, even when the prospect also promises snow and cold and more cold and snow. At least you’ll have a cozy cabin, food better than most restaurants, and depending on the cruise and cruise line, you might even get tinglingly close to Russia. (see below.)

So, back to cruising, though. MSC Introduces Alaska Sailings from Seattle. It’s the next best thing. Want to get in on the action? Click here.

Beringia is defined today as the land and maritime area bounded on the west by the Lena River in Russia; on the east by the Mackenzie River in Canada; on the north by 72° north latitude in the Chukchi Sea; and on the south by the tip of the Kamchatka Peninsula. There have been times in the past where you could walk across the thin stretch of land and shake hands with your comrades to the east. Sadly, though, that trek is forever up in the air.
So, back to cruising, though. MSC Introduces Alaska Sailings from Seattle. It’s the next best thing. Want to get in on the action? Click here.

So, back to cruising, though. MSC Introduces Alaska Sailings from Seattle. It’s the next best thing. Want to get in on the action? Click here.