Perusing YouTube today, we landed on a video about the UK hotel chain Britannia hotels. After a little digging, we discovered that there were quite a few reviews, and – at least as the YouTube reviews went, things were not looking good. In fact, some of what was discovered by the YouTube sleuths, the results were absolutely scary. Your Editor’s son lives not too far from one of the hotels in Brighton, and he showed me around the crumbling remains of one of the hotels there. Now – full disclosure – Britannia hotels are one of our valued affiliate friends, so we were a bit shocked and saddened by this. All of the Britannia properties that we’ve seen and promoted here have been top notch. So what’s happened? What’s the difference? First, let’s watch a video courtesy of who are a trusted source of reviews of all kinds in the UK.
Well, after watching that, we’re sure you must be wondering why we would want to promote the brand, and you’d be right. The hotel in Brighton is shocking. But that doesn’t necessarily reflect on the other hotels. Next, let’s have a look at the Britannia hotel in Scarborough, further up in the North of England. You’ll discover that this one is, well, a bit tired, but it’s clean, looked-after and is not bad at all, especially when you see the price for one night.

Things are looking a bit better when you’re shown around this grand dame. Click here to look & book.

Go in style, to a stylish place. Click here to book the train to Scarborough and beyond.