Want to show off to your friends? Want to add your name to the Guinness Book of World Records? Want to spend a little spare cash? Here's an odd and humorous topic for all of you high-value air travelers. This may appear to be pure selfishness, courtesy of some Johnny Bigpants, where…
Once again, we return to the UK for this post, but this post is a bit specific. You should know by now that England (and all of the UK) is filled with locations, activities and history that are hard to beat. Literally, at every corner, there is something from antiquity that will stop…
... a rail tale, as it were. We write about Cleveland, Ohio, USA every so often. Interestingly, the city seems to capture the attention of thousands of people regularly, even though it is slowly shrinking away. So, why would you want to visit Cleveland, Ohio and - in this case -…
Every day, we pour over what the internet has to offer, evaluate whether it's worthy or not, and if it is, we leave it here for you to enjoy. Some of our posts are rather simple - such as the one today - because not everyone who is on the Internet needs to…
If you're a business, changing the name of your organization can be a bit of a nightmare. For example, in 2015, Google reorganized under a new name, Alphabet. Pop Quiz: how many of you recall Google Alphabet? Not too many, we would wager. Here's another one that will really prove your age:…
Sometimes a place will steal your heart away. One of those is Latvia. Surprise yourself.
This could be another one of those "been there, done that" stories, where frenzied travelers (or travel bloggers) flee at full speed just to meet their self-imposed deadlines. But, seriously, that's not what travel should be about. You likely flew for ten or more hours to get there, so why rush it? …
We will remember this time in history as the time where everything went wrong all at once. Between Covid, forest fires, floods, earthquakes and people fighting each other, probably not even knowing why. So, to add salt to the wound, there are even problems with obtaining planes to be able to shuttle those who…
It's sometimes a stigma if we signal that we want to be alone for a while. There is nothing wrong with that. Usually we're our best company - at least we can be honest with ourselves - maybe. Being alone provides the opportunity to connect with your thoughts, feelings, and interests…
Take the easy (or BA) way out. Try Bournemouth airport.
Put the hammer down, good buddy. There’s a Smokey bear in the air.
Off to the beach; I will be out of reach. Let’s Goa!
Why do European budget carriers feel cheaper than their US equivalents?
You've undoubtedly seen the photos. You may have even been to this most famous mountain itself. You may have even taken the iconic train ride to the top, but what else do you know about the Jungfraujoch? Do you know how it operates? How does it operate in an extreme blizzard?…
Tokyo Cyberpunk City. Neon. Coffee. Noise. Lights. Food. Yeah!
We have a real find here for you in this place. Once you stay, you'll never want to go back to an everyday hotel again. The Dive Bar, Motel & Swim Club in Nashville, Tennessee. You may be too young to remember places like this. Or, perhaps you're too old to remember.…
There’s no getting around getting around. But we can get ahead of climate change.
The more things change, the more they remain the same.
Come fly with me, let’s fly, let’s fly away.
Join us – sing along with Tony Bennett. The Welsh will join right in with three-part harmony.