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Cheap cruise To Alaska. Ferry Nice.

We’re based in Vancouver, Canada, right on the Pacific Ocean. We kind of take it for granted. Being on the water, as it is, maritime activates are big here. Surfing, swimming, boating and more. But, did you know that Vancouver bases much of its revenue on cruises? There is an actual legal act that makes this a must for cruise ships.

All cruises sailing from the U.S. must stop in Canada or another foreign port due to the Passenger Vessel Services Act (PVSA). Under this act, foreign-flagged ships must visit at least one foreign country during the cruise. A cruise line would face significant penalties for not complying. Read more about that here.

Does that mean that cruises originating from Vancouver are cheaper to purchase and travel. Once again, not necessarily so. Vancouver is one of the most expensive cities in North America. So, given all of these deterrents, what can you do if taking a cruise ship is simply out of the picture? One, smart young man found a way to to take a cruise (of sorts) all the way to Alaska for a fraction of the price of a big ship, embarking from Bellingham, just over the US / Canada border. This may not be the cruise you had always envisioned, but it sure makes sense if you want to save and also see the same sights that everyone else does, but for way less. See below.

Stay right on the water, near the terminal. Chrysalis Inn & Spa Bellingham Hilton Click here.

You can easily take Amtrak from Vancouver to Bellingham. Click here to book.

Bellingham itself is a hip, relaxed inclusive town. Click here for a Walking Murder Mystery Game. Get to know the city before you head to sea.

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