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Isle de Granville

Granville Island is a de rigueur activity when you visit Vancouver.  There are dozens of boutique shops, selling things like bespoke art, vodka and ... brooms. The main draw - and in many ways you will draw deep breaths - is the Market.  There are dozens of food stalls, but the main attraction is the…

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Tombs in your living rooms

At one time, sitting on the couch and watching television was considered a luxury:  we were so busy in our daily lives that being able to collapse on the sofa and stare at the screen . . or at the ceiling. Well, Covid-19 has flipped that scenario on its head, and most people are gagging…

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Purple Noon

Our pals at OMIO sure know Europe.  Planes, trains or automobiles, they can do it. But, like the rest of us, they're stuck at home, too.  So they have - just in time - published their latest version of The Window Seat, their travelogue. Travel (or romance for that matter) might be tricky at the…

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Please welcome our new contributor, Beyond Adventures.  With an incredibly diverse past, she has lots of topics to choose from.  Today, it's all about technology.  "My day starts with coffee or tea, a slice of toast with jam, and fruit while catching up with the world via social media. My gotos? Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and…

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Don’t suffer for your art

If you can’t come to the arts, let the arts come to you with our selection of free virtual museum collections. With the promising news of a COVID vaccine, we need to take care of our mental health more than ever, especially if we want to prepare for our collective comeback to post-pandemic life.  Experts…

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Toto, I don’t think we’re in the USA anymore

Fifteen places in the US that feel like a completely different country. In the 1960s, the people of Leavenworth transformed their city into a Bavarian-style village to promote tourism. Almost 60 years later, that vision is still alive and well. With Alpine architecture, a mountain backdrop, and plenty of sauerkraut and bratwurst, it’s surprisingly easy…

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How our brain sculpts experience in line with our expectations

The Book of Days (1864) by the Scottish author Robert Chambers reports a curious legal case: in 1457 in the town of Lavegny, a sow and her piglets were charged and tried for the murder of a partially eaten small child. After much deliberation, the court condemned the sow to death for her part in…

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You can be Hadrian, virtually

This long distance footpath is unique because it follows a World Heritage Site. Hadrian built the Wall to separate the Roman Empire from the barbarians. It is a complex structure with curtain wall, milecastles, turrets, ditches and forts. Walking the Path is logistically easier if the east-west route is followed. The Path that mainly follows…

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You’re virtually in Winnipeg.

You may not be here physically, but that doesn’t mean you can’t visit Winnipeg, Canada…virtually. Exhibits and attractions are now providing virtual tours of their facilities, while we also have some enticing sneak-previews of blockbuster attractions set to open once things return to (the new) normal. So without further ado, welcome to (virtual) Winnipeg. We…

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A self-isolation silver lining?

Behind the unprecedented disruption of routine life by the recent Coronavirus could lie one of the most profound transformations of our lives: closer connections, greater happiness, and a healthier relationship to work. Despite the anxiety, fear, and illness that is likely to touch each of our lives, there may be a silver lining once we’re…

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