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Finding mindfulness

Often, the ways we define mindfulness can be misleading. Definitions like “a quality of awareness that accepts things the way that they are” or “being aware without judging what is” are not incorrect, but they can imply passivity or complacency. But mindfulness is a dynamic relationship with what is. It doesn’t mean you never take…

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Rough roads for travellers and gypsies

The UK government’s current plan to ‘tackle unauthorised traveller camps’ and ‘give the police new powers to arrest and seize the property and vehicles of trespassers who set up unauthorised encampments’ follows a long line of legislation aimed primarily at Travellers and Gypsies. Past regimes, from the Tudors to the present, have attacked the culture…

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Police cars are cheaper than taxis

How to Seduce a Panamanian Cop | Bocas del Toro, Panama Her name was Zarra, which should’ve been my first clue. If she’d been a Millicent, our evening would have proceeded differently. Millicents don’t seduce Panamanian policía for a ride to a nightclub, and then perform cunnilingus six paces from the dance floor—at least, none…

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These floating cities will leave you feeling buoyant

The majesty of Venice’s grand canals is truly astonishing and it makes for a unique travel destination. Did you know there are other equally charming floating cities? Water is the center of these city destinations and they grant the same ethereal feeling as Venice does (or even better!) Check out these 7 floating cities to…

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Here comes the sun: but it’s solstice

Our ancestors revered the Sun as a creator and destroyer of life. Their senses told them that when the Sun is absent, everyone and everything suffers. They tracked its movements, noticing how it rises a little further along the horizon each day, until the solstices, when it pauses (the word solstice comes from ‘sun standstill’), then tracks…

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The new best way to see where airlines depart from

Minimise the frustration of planning flights with this new tool. has an easy to use web interface and in addition to having all non-stop destinations from every airport on every airline, also has schedule information with about 90% coverage. So not only do they show what airlines fly between sets of airports, for many (most)…

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Ireland. 200,000+ books. What’s not to like?

The Trinity College Library houses some of the world’s most precious manuscripts and artifacts dating back to 800 A.D. This colossal hall is a book lover’s paradise. Known as the Long Room, this magnificent chamber was built between 1712 and 1732 nearly 65 meters (213 feet) in length and home to over 200,000 rare books. Why so…

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Go where the action isn’t in Europe

People all around the world just love Europe.  With so many countries, and their individual styles and personalities, it's hard not to be drawn in. But, as in many places in the world, Europe is starting to creak with the sheer number of tourists annually - an impressive 6% growth in 2018 - and sometimes…

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Video: People apparently don’t want to live in these places. Why not?

Sometimes ideas don't always go as planned. This video will certainly underscore that thought. We may not necessarily understand the logic that went behind some of these ideas, but it's safe to say that the intended result was perhaps not what it was meant to be.  The upside of this is that an intrepid individual…

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The 10 most comfortable and cheapest places to live

As we get older, and hopefully wiser, are eyes and ears open what it comes to discovering what makes us happy. And as the world gets smaller, some of those options which might have appeared completely insane just a few years ago, now are readily available. This video shows ten places that are inexpensive to…

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