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Motorcycle dragon jungle cave!

Sound unbelievable?  Too much to be true?  It's not.  It's Adventure Suites. "Adventure Suites is a one-of-a-kind property. We are not a chain and have no other locations. Our fun, themed suites combined with our love for our customers and many add-on adventures make each stay an original adventure. Products and new innovations are painstakingly…

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No fixed address

Morton Jablin lives a simple life. He wakes early, showers, dresses, has breakfast and begins his day. He enjoys tea in the afternoon and fish for his evening meal. He’s not much different than you and me, with one exception: Morton Jablin lives on a cruise ship. Read more courtesy of

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Vegetarian-friendly ‘Burial of the Sardine’

Fishy stuff is going on around Spain tonight. Black-clad processions and gigantic papier mâché sea creatures on wheels, huge bonfires, public feasts, live music, fireworks and, in some cases, partying until dawn. We know about eating fish on Good Friday, but the pre-Lent carnivals and, in the Anglo-Saxon world, the Shrove Tuesday pancake feast, was only…

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Indian food you’ve never heard of

At Café Lota, Head Chef Udit Maheshwari is on a mission to introduce diners to regional Indian cuisine they may have never sampled before. The outdoor café at the National Crafts Museum in New Delhi specializes in lesser-known dishes, like chingri kamranga khatta (prawn curry with star fruit), a guava vegetable dish, and a curry…

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Are your plans to go to Europe trumped?

During Wednesday (March 11, 2020) evening’s address from the Oval Office, President Trump announced a 30-day travel ban from Europe in response to the growing coronavirus pandemic. The announcement immediately caused confusion, has been criticized by politicians and public health officials alike, and condemned by the European Union. What are the terms and conditions and . . …

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Finding mindfulness

Often, the ways we define mindfulness can be misleading. Definitions like “a quality of awareness that accepts things the way that they are” or “being aware without judging what is” are not incorrect, but they can imply passivity or complacency. But mindfulness is a dynamic relationship with what is. It doesn’t mean you never take…

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Rough roads for travellers and gypsies

The UK government’s current plan to ‘tackle unauthorised traveller camps’ and ‘give the police new powers to arrest and seize the property and vehicles of trespassers who set up unauthorised encampments’ follows a long line of legislation aimed primarily at Travellers and Gypsies. Past regimes, from the Tudors to the present, have attacked the culture…

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Police cars are cheaper than taxis

How to Seduce a Panamanian Cop | Bocas del Toro, Panama Her name was Zarra, which should’ve been my first clue. If she’d been a Millicent, our evening would have proceeded differently. Millicents don’t seduce Panamanian policía for a ride to a nightclub, and then perform cunnilingus six paces from the dance floor—at least, none…

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These floating cities will leave you feeling buoyant

The majesty of Venice’s grand canals is truly astonishing and it makes for a unique travel destination. Did you know there are other equally charming floating cities? Water is the center of these city destinations and they grant the same ethereal feeling as Venice does (or even better!) Check out these 7 floating cities to…

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