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Special Offers / Deals

Special Offers / Deals


We're very excited to welcome a new affiliate friend, one who has always been a favourite of not only much of Europe, but also of the smarter half of the team. We are, of course, talking about Desigual.  As they say themselves, "In reality, Desigual isn’t a brand. It’s a group of people who believe…

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Could I interest you in a scam sandwich?

Some hotels offer rates that include breakfast. You need to figure out how likely to buy breakfast you are – and how much you’ll save. Sometimes the ‘breakfast included’ price is really just the room rate plus the cost of breakfast. And if you skip breakfast even one day, for instance you leave too early…

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Someone actually cooks for you, for once

Cooking is a pleasure and a chore at the same time, especially if you're the designated chef - every night.  And that can get boring when you run out of ideas and steam. Well, our affiliate friends at EatWith have got some ideas for you.  And travel can be part of the menu. Eatwith is…

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The Mercadona mystery

If you've been to Spain (and if you haven't, get going!) you'll likely recognise the name Mercadona.  It is one of the country's largest grocery chains. As you probably know, many companies (like us, for example) assemble their names by concatenating one or more words together into something recognisable, but not a "real" word. Some have wondered…

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Air Transat. What’s that?

To those of us who live in Canada, there is a well-known name, but it might not be as well known to the rest of the world: Air Transat. Air Transat is Canada’s number one leisure airline. It flies to some 60 international destinations in more than 25 countries in the Americas and Europe, offers…

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Mood IndiGo

If you haven't travelled to India (even recently,) there is a lot going on when it comes to air travel.  Air India has always been the stalwart, and will likely remain that way.  But, with companies like Vistara and GoAir - and now IndiGo, travelers in India are spoiled for choice.  IndiGo is punching above…

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You CAN get there from here

If you're an inquisitive pathfinder, likely your dreams and your aspirations take you all over the map.   But the world is a rather big place.  Wouldn't it be great to be able to spend time being there rather than online, planning? Well, have we got news for you.  We'd especially like to feature our affiliate…

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Who am I? Where am I?

Some people have all the problems.  For example, they live in Paris, not so far from Gare de Nord.  They opt to take a night train.  Luxurious, fast and totally European. But, they wake up suddenly, only to realise that they're in Venice, not three stops down. Tsk.  Such problems. All jokes aside, European rail…

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Young, fast and scientific

Let's face it - finding travel deals is not easy. There are not enough hours in the day for most of us.  And it's a moving target. Well, let's give a big thank you to our affiliate friends have created their annual Cheapair 2021Annual Airfare Study. You don’t have to feel stymied by convoluted…

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The little train that couldn’t

We here at Matouring have often written about the wonders and the practicalities of rail travel.  Much of the world uses it as the default mode of travel.  But the United States has still not caught on to this global way-of-life.  Like it or not, the United States has a big transportation problem. According to…

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Bored at the airport? Here are five questions for you.

Flight delayed?  Visited every store on the concourse - three times?  No signal on your phone?  Stuck in a specific terminal?  Eaten and drank to the point of explosion?  Or just perennially curious?  Well, here are a few questions that may keep you occupied. How come flight attendants have to pick up the cups they…

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The Unemployed Philosophers Guild

There’s a bad joke: The engineer asks ‘how can I build that?’ the scientist asks ‘how does it work?’ and the philosopher asks ‘do you want fries with that?’ In all fairness to the Philosopher, he’s probably not referring to ontological French fries, but the 18th century thinker Jacob Fries. Anyway, some people think unemployed…

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Un poco loco?

Un poco loco = a little crazy Covid-19 Are you tired of sitting around the house, but am not sure when or if you can travel?  One option, of course, is just to bite your tongue, suck it up, etc.  Vancouver?  Toronto?  New York? Another idea - sensible and not expensive - is to treat…

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You’re a star!

Trains, planes and automobiles.  There's no getting around getting around. In this day and age, trains are the past, present and future.  There can be only a few competitors to rail when it comes to sustainability and simple common sense.  That's why they are the default mode of transport in so many countries. Mother Europe…

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Simplify Covid travel with the IATA Pass

The IATA Travel Pass is a mobile application under development allowing travelers to simply and securely store and manage certifications for COVID-19 tests or vaccines. The information through the IATA Travel Pass can be shared with border authorities requiring testing or proof of vaccination as a condition of international travel during and after the COVID-19…

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