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North America

North America

Twin Peaks

David Lynch may have been here, but we can't be sure. Many people visit the rather awesome Glacier National Park, but did you know that  Waterton Lakes is right across from Glacier National Park, and this is why you should visit: two for the price of one. Alberta is utterly stunning and the Canadian Rockies…

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Freedom, eh?

In the pursuit of freedom, mankind has created borders.  Okaay. But, in some places (such as San Marino, Monaco, Vatican City, Liechtenstein and Canada etc) there is a level of trust that the surrounding countries are friendly and non-threatening. Surprisingly / not surprisingly, Canada and the USA have an arm's length agreement about borders.  You…

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Ne’er BnB

A major European destination just banished Airbnb. Will others follow suit? AirBnB has had a somewhat chequered past when it comes to the neighbours.  Most renters are polite and responsible.  But it doesn't take too many incidents for the love to sour. A recent crackdown in Barcelona portends stronger laws against short-term rentals across the…

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The South shall surprise again

To some, the southern United States can still be a mystery.  Home of some turbulence over the decades, but also a place of history, style and undeniable charm, It is a place you should visit at least once in your life. Our affiliate friends, the UK's Titan Travel, have just posted a new guided tour…

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Imagine, if you will . . .

“Being like everybody is the same as being nobody.” “ There is nothing in the dark that isn't there when the lights are on.” Rod Serling Some of you may remember the ground-breaking Twilight Zone television show, which entranced so many of us (of a certain age) and still resonates to this day. If you loved the…

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Oooh la LA

Near the famed Los Angeles intersection of Hollywood and Vine, the highly anticipated Thompson Hollywood is now welcoming guests, as of August 2021, who enter through a greenery-laden walkway, the first sign that this new hotel is something special. Featuring a bar, terrace and views of city, Thompson Hollywood is located 701 m from Capitol Records…

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Two floors of party action!

So, British Airways are introducing a flight to Las Vegas on the newly-loved-again Airbus A380.  The Airbus A380 is a huge aircraft. 469 seats. That means two floors of non-stop party action.  To Las Vegas.  With alcohol.   What could possible go wrong?  🤣  Read more here courtesy of You've got to give BA some credit…

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Want to be a part of it?

Ahhh . . . New York City.  NYC.  The Big Apple. The City That Never Sleeps. The Greatest City in the World.  The City So Nice They Named It Twice: a reference to "New York, New York. You can visit a dozen times and still find something new.  But let's go back in time and…

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You can get anything you want

You can get anything you want at the former site of the restaurant immortalized by Arlo Guthrie. ARLO GUTHRIE’S 1967 SONG “ALICE’S RESTAURANT” is a staple of Americana, one that has been synonymous with Thanksgiving ever since a radio station played the nearly 20-minute antiwar tune on the holiday. Deep within the Berkshires, however, Alice’s…

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Share a room with Tracey Emin

Most hotels consider a random collection of prints and local photography an “arts program.” At The Alfond Inn near Rollins College campus in Winter Park, Florida, their arts program features Julie Mehretu, Nicole Eisenman, Hank Willis Thomas, Tracey Emin, Jaune Quick-to-See Smith–top stars of contemporary art with solo shows attracting thousands of visitors at renowned…

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The Catskilled

Travel to countries that have collapsed around the world and one will find post-Apocalyptic worlds. In the former Soviet Union, one can find scores and scores of abandoned and crumbling factories and cities - crumbling ruins testifying to the once great Soviet Union. In America, one can find just one post-Apocalyptic world just outside of…

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Are you out of your Vulcan mind?

On some days, you just want to say, “Beam me up, Scotty! There’s no intelligent life here.” And when those days arrive, Scotty’s transporter is waiting in Vulcan, Alberta, Canada, halfway between Calgary and Lethbridge. The Canadian Pacific originally named the town for the Roman god of fire, but the citizens had a better idea. …

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Scenes of Queens

Where you can escape to nature close to the city, more than 130 languages are spoken, and NYC’s only surf culture thrives... As one of the five boroughs of New York City, Queens is not only the largest and second-most populated—with over two million people—but it can be a world unto itself. While tourists often…

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Harvest your own vegetables, golf

From the back of a pickup truck, I watched dust fly as we drove along a narrow road through one of Kauaʻi's last sugar cane fields and past a long-abandoned mill. It was the early 1980s, my first trip to the island and, after a few days in Honolulu, it was quite a change from…

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Rumble in New York

New York City has one of the world’s biggest subway systems, but some areas of the city are poorly served. Even though New York City has the most extensive subway system in the Americas, less than two-thirds of the city’s population actually lives within walking distance of a station. For the last 15 years, construction crews…

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Don’t call me Junior!

If there is one movie franchise that EVERYONE loves (in addition to Star Wars, of course) it's Indiana Jones.  Chances are good that - if you're a certain age - you got your first glimpse of Morocco or Petra via those classics. But, did you know that the films were influenced by a living human being…

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Home of the buzzard

You might have heard of Cleveland, Ohio USA, a scrappy city that never gives up. It was formed in the late 1800's and was a manufacturing and financial powerhouse until things dried up in the 1970's. But, the die-hard residents there still plug away at reinventing the city, over and over.  Having major league basketball…

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