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Turks & Caicos

  The Turks and Caicos Islands are a British Overseas Territory only 37 miles long and all together consist of 40 islands and cays, of which only 12 are inhabited. There are two main islands, Grand Turk (Turks Islands) and Providenciales (Caicos Islands). These islands are 575 miles south-east from Florida and 90 miles north…

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England & The UK United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the United Kingdom or the UK) is a constitutional monarchy comprising much of the British Isles. This Union is more than 300 years old and comprises four constituent countries: England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. It occupies all of the island of Great Britain, the north-eastern portion of the island of Ireland and most of the remaining British Isles.…

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Trinidad & Tobago

Trinidad is the larger of the two islands that make up the Caribbean island nation of Trinidad and Tobago. Regions Click on the area’s name for hotels and activity ideas North Trinidad - Mostly busy and urban, but with some rural and laid back places as well as the north coast beaches and rainforest. Highest…

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Books and travel go together. Here are some great bookstores.

Most people who travel have had annoyingly long layovers.  Some have also enjoyed annoyingly long flights.  And there is only so long you can spend in a Starbucks before you wish you could turn around and go back home. And some airplanes don't have chargers... So . . . books! Books can transport you across the world, so…

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