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Consciousness is not a thing….

....but a process of inference. I have a confession. As a physicist and psychiatrist, I find it difficult to engage with conversations about consciousness. My biggest gripe is that the philosophers and cognitive scientists who tend to pose the questions often assume that the mind is a thing, whose existence can be identified by the…

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Hammocks amongst us

Hammocks are a great lightweight alternative to a tent when camping or backpacking. While hammock stands let you lounge around in your backyard, the best camping hammocks let you set up a comfortable bed in the great outdoors. Hanging out above the ground on a hammock suspended between trees has always had a magical feel to it,…

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A self-isolation silver lining?

Behind the unprecedented disruption of routine life by the recent Coronavirus could lie one of the most profound transformations of our lives: closer connections, greater happiness, and a healthier relationship to work. Despite the anxiety, fear, and illness that is likely to touch each of our lives, there may be a silver lining once we’re…

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Déjà vu, all over again

A brain glitch? A sign of quantum entanglement? What science says about déjà vu. Roughly two-thirds of people have had déjà vu, or the weird feeling that a new situation has been experienced before. Yet its prevalence belies just how mysterious the phenomenon remains to researchers, despite some extraordinary recent leaps in neuroscience. In part,…

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