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Do good, feel good UNESCO style

This is a simple, but very important request.  For those of us who are fortunate enough to travel, this should almost be mandatory. UNESCO has created the Sustainable Tourism Pledge. The pledge takes an industry-first approach to environmental and cultural protection, requiring hotel operators to introduce firm measures to eliminate single-use plastics and promote local culture. The…

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We are the robots

As mother earth spins faster, and more and more of us spin with her, big changes happen.  New ideas, new materials, new studies, new pharmaceuticals . . all culminating into new "us"? Very soon, we will be presented  with all types of complicated information about the condition of our health, including our individual levels of risk…

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Hey, bungalow thrill

"If looks could thrill it would have been us instead of him"  All the children sing. These looks will thrill - at Reserva Alecrim EcoSuite & Glamping in Portugal. The properties, the views, the surroundings, the location - wow!  And the bungalows look more like dwellings on the moon. Set by a lake in the Alentejo…

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Too little, too late?

Europeans - and we include the UK here - generally tend to be ahead of the curve when it comes to things like healthcare, social security, immigration  . . . and the environment. The UK has published its Transport Decarbonisation Plan.  The intent to decarbonise all modes of domestic transport by 2050. Is that too…

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The campings

Europeans love to camp.  There are literally thousands of them dotted around the continent.  Not only are they plentiful, they are usually in beautiful, if not stunning, locations and are a very cost effective way to holiday. You can enjoy all of the traditional ways of camping, including tents and resorts, but hiring a fuel-efficient…

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Muster, we must

The Covid pandemic is pushing for an evolution of the muster (safety) drill procedures on cruise ships. To avoid gatherings of large passenger groups in confined spaces and maintain social distancing, the cruise lines are now reinventing the traditional process, using technology and other innovations. Get ready for:  Royal Caribbean’s Muster 2.0 Read more courtesy…

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Go where the air is free

The Covid pandemic has wreaked havoc almost everywhere in the world . . . and has taught us some important lessons along the way.  What we once took for granted has the possibility of slipping through our fingers - such as travel. But, with destinations slowly blossoming again for tourism , and travelers tentatively making…

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Cruising Colombia

Politically, Colombia has its ups and downs, let's face it.  But, during the calm times, this country will make your jaw drop. Featuring geuninely kind people, stunning  mountains, overwhelming lush forests and unspoiled coasts, Colombia should be a must-see on your list. And now, Ama Waterways are making it easy for you with luxury cruises…

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20,000 rental campers. 24 countries. 4 continents. Go!

We love camping, and we love campervans even more, especially when they're the smart new models - good on petrol, good on space, good on the environment. We're also really happy to welcome our new affiliate friends, Their portfolio includes up to 20,000 rental vehicles that can be booked directly in 24 countries on…

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‘scuse me while I kiss the sky

Free as a bird.  The sky's the limit.  'Scuse me while I kiss the sky. It's a mackerel sky.  Reach for the sky.  Out of a clear blue sky.   Sky high. Sky dive. Lucy in the sky.  Sky rocket.  Vanilla sky.  Make a beeline for the treeline.  You can see the forest for the trees. …

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I like my tortugas dry

The United States of America has its fingers in so many pies in the world.  And there are still remnants of the country's founding that give us a glimmer what it must have been like those hundreds of years ago, as the country was taking shape. One of those remnants that often is undersung is…

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Right, said Fred

We're happy to announce that Matouring is now an affiliate of Fred Olsen cruises. One of the things we like about Fred Olsen is the playful approach they have to cruises and touring.  They're a not the biggest name in the cruise industry, but being family-run, they can do things the way they want, and…

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Yes, you get the Holbox to yourself. Flamingos and pelicans and herons…oh my! Holbox Island is beloved by bird nerds for its population of exotic avian life. Perched near the Yucatan Peninsula, the island is also a hot spot for whale shark viewing, and kiteboarders love the shallow waters and wide beaches. The white sand streets are relatively unspoiled, as most tourists…

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Things could get Messi

Can you believe this?  On June 14, 2021, the Hard Rock venues turned 50 and that doesn’t happen every day. To mark this day, they want to share with you their new campaign. It is built on the principles that have guided Hard Rock since the beginning – providing a fresh approach and a call…

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Where women can relax

Let's celebrate the adventurous female travelers who are blazing a path of their own abroad and at home. While there's no question women need to be more cautious when on the road, there are plenty of countries that are accessible and extremely fun to explore alone. From a secluded wine region in Portugal to the…

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Brescia refresher

Raise your hands, those of you who have visited Brescia, Italy. If you haven't, let us assist you in exploring this rich and varied place. Brescia is a city and comune in the region of Lombardy, Northern Italy. It is situated at the foot of the Alps, a few kilometers from the lakes Garda and Iseo. With a…

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PAYG Airways

Now here's a good idea . . . pay-as-you-go travel. The Indian aviation world is all set to be disrupted by Prince Air - the first subscription-based airline in the country which allows its subscribers limitless travel within its matrix. Travelers subscribing to this new model will be able to enjoy an advantaged experience, far different from…

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