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For Women Only

For Women Only

300 kph kitty

Manga?  Man, go! Japan is a wonderous place of so many contrasts. Surgically-focused mega-corporations.  Almost unreal scenery.  Respectful and warm humans. And a Hello Kitty bullet train.  Never again will your commute be mundane.  You can even be the engineer - sort of. Enjoy the video below and experience it yourself.  Bullet trains in Japan are just…

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So says the National Geographic

If ever there was a venerable institution (especially in the USA) it would be The National Geographic (affiliate friends of ours.)  Decades old, the organisation has always been known for its global approach:  it makes no distinctions nor proffers favouritism in its activities.  In the past, it has opened doors to worlds that many people…

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Fall to pieces

Some music lasts forever, even if their creators don't.  Country singer Patsy Cline is one of those artists.  Even if you're not from the USA and a country music fan, her outputs will still likely linger in your head.  Like far too many musicians, Patsy Cline's life was cut short by a plane crash in…

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Hope springs eternal

As always, hope springs eternal.  Mankind will always correct its errant ways and will always achieve its highest aspiratiions.  And, humans keep trying to make that so. In 1900, Ida Hofmann, a German pianist, and her companion Henry Oedenkoven, the 25-year-old son of a businessman from Antwerp, purchased a hill in Ascona which had been known…

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Nutmeg Grenada

As much fun as it would be to wax on about this classy ride  from the 1970's (assuming that there are even any left that have not rusted their way back to Mother Earth.) No, this article is about a savoury Grenada of a different kind - Grenada, where more than 20% of the world’s…

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Some people have all the luck

Etihad Airways, our affiliate friends, have launched the third step of its golden jubilee celebrations as the UAE (United Arab Emirates) proclaims fifty years since its establishment.  In a group of videos released over the next few weeks, Etihad will pull together experts from the Formula 1, music and fashion  pundits from around the world, with…

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Crash landing on you! *

No, we are not casting any aspirsions on Korean Air with the title of this article.  Quite the opposite.  We love all things Korean, especially the films and movies.  Our first exposure was "Crash Landing on You" (on Netflix.)  We recently watched "Psychokinesis" which is absolutely bonkers.  Hilarious.  Do yourself a favour. No, this article and…

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I’m still standing

Yeah, yeah yeah. We love old.  Old places, old things, old ideas, old values. And we love the fact that there's stuff  even older than us. So it thrills us to let you know (if you don't already) about Historic Hotels Worldwide.  As you might guess, they're exactly what it says on the label:  hotels of note…

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You think you’re tired?

We would imagine that most of our lovely readers have traveled, and maybe traveled a lot.  And you're looking forward to your next trip, wherever that may be. But, now let's admire (and maybe have sympathy) for young Lexie Alford who, at the tender age of 19 "had this crazy daydream I had about completing a…

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Right, said Fred again

We've featured Fred. Olsen cruises here -  they're one of our affiliate friends.  One of the reasons we like them is that they seem to come from a different angle than other cruise lines - a little playful, a little artistic. They also travel to places that are not frequented by other cruise lines.  And, in…

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Just itching to go

If you're a regular of our site, you'll know that we're fans of Sir Richard Branson, he of the Virgin empire.  Yes, he's wealthy, but we feel like his heart (and wallet) are in the right place. Well, hold your breath and have a look at Moskito Island.  Sir Richard owns the entire island, near Virgin…

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Stave awake

Talk about accuracy.  Have you heard of Stave churches?  When the Viking finally converted to Christianity (11th to 12th century) they certainly did it in style. The churches themselves are made entirely of wood, often without even nails or screws. Their name comes from the unique post-and-lintel system used in construction—thick wooden posts known as…

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Uh . . . coffee-flavoured coffee?

Nearly every expat or regular visitor can remember their first words in Spanish. They may not be the first you were taught, or learned from a self-teaching course pack, but the ones that most stuck in your head, or the first sentence you were able to pronounce without hesitating. But did you know that there's more…

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Not just G adventures: 5G!

The more you travel, the more you want to travel.  And each time you go, you want even more.  More adventures, more variety, more experiences, more personal. If this sounds like you, our affiliate friends G Adventures are the travel guides for you.  Never the typical tour, they have the choices to take you way…

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Watch your step

We think this is a good thing:  recycling is the way forward.  And here's an unusual and creative take on it. A massive new theme park is being built in the Middle East - on an oil rig. The project, called The Rig, will be spread over a whopping 1.6 million sqft in Saudi Arabia…

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Never too small

There's a wonderful series on YouTube called Never Too Small.  It's short videos created by clever (usually young) people who, by choice or by necessity have taken an often tiny space and turned it into a comfortable and sensible dwelling. What we like about this channel is that, although the individuals have likely been forced…

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Where blue equals orange

We're uncomplicated, here.  Some of the most simple things make us the happiest.  In this case, we're really excited about a new joint venture that's just been announced. Canada's Air Transat and the UK's Easyjet have created a new cooperative to combine Air Transat and EasyJet flights to open up travel to over 130 additional…

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Harvey, get serious!

For those of you who are vaguely aware of Harvey Nichols (Harvey Nick's) in London, you might recall them as being targeted toward a more upper-crust audience.  Perhaps a bit dry. But, if you haven't had a look lately, you're in for a treat, especially if you're the playful type, no matter what your age.…

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