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For the Family

For the Family

How high can you fly?

The ever humorous Douglas Adams always knew how to turn a phrase. He wrote The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy that sold more than 15 million copies in his lifetime. Given the nature of that book, we're sure he would laugh with us at the irony of it all. As he quoted, “I…

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Cheers, Sears!

Thanks for the memories. Although this post is devoted to a well-known and beloved chain of US stores, Sears & Roebuck, the brand was - and still is - remembered almost everywhere. If you needed to buy something, Sears was almost always the first stop: they would inevitably have it. In its…

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Manilla Villa

It's been a while, but we're back with another episode of Never Too Small, the fab and clever YouTube channel that highlights how smart humans can be when confronted with predicaments: in this case, small living quarters. We have several episodes on our site, and they always impress us with their ingenuity, creativity…

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We know this much is Trôo 

Listening to Marvin, all night long and living in French caves was all the rage in 1964. And if that doesn't make you want to be a cave dweller - even if you think that you know France - then what about this? Trôo is a charming village located in the Loire Valley region…

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Vulgaria? Hardly!

What a tempting and delicious mélange is Europe. Ever-changing, never-changing and full to the rim of things to do, the Motherland will keep you entertained and enthused until you take your last breath, practically. After all of the world wars that this place has endured, it still remains, almost like 27 birds flying…

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Get away from it all: ghost towns

Some of us live in cities that could probably be classed as a ghost town: Miriam Webster defines it as a "once-flourishing town wholly or nearly deserted usually as a result of the exhaustion of some natural resource." But, just as commonly, the source of its demise is the exhaustion of human resources.…

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Two miles per minute

By any measurement, two miles a minute is fast, and you're probably expecting this to be some kind of experimental speed measurement. Or maybe it's the latest idea from Elon Musk, a rocket tunnel under the sands of Nevada. Or could it be some other as-yet unknown vehicle where you need to wear…

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Too many syllables: VRBO or AirBnB

Here is a comparison, of sorts, that we hope you will find thought-provoking. It's a story of how two travel provider companies, (whom you've surely heard of over the decades first started way back when,) how they're different, and how they started and thrived in offering stays for holiday goers. As a primer, VRBO…

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You have the will. Now here is the way.

Please forgive us if we appear to be a wee bit too zealous when it comes to trains and rail travel - we can't help it. After living in Europe, we've gotten used to the availability, frequency and sheer joy of fast scheduled rail services that girdle the European continent. Looking forward, you…

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