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Central & South America

Central & South America

Cruising Colombia

Politically, Colombia has its ups and downs, let's face it.  But, during the calm times, this country will make your jaw drop. Featuring geuninely kind people, stunning  mountains, overwhelming lush forests and unspoiled coasts, Colombia should be a must-see on your list. And now, Ama Waterways are making it easy for you with luxury cruises…

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The Candy Museum (Museo-del-Dulce)

Our first question, when we discovered this magical place was - how can candy stay around long enough even to end up in a museum?  That seems to go against human nature. But, sure enough, it did and it will make children and adults alike squeal with delight when they see what they're seeing .…

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Right, said Fred

We're happy to announce that Matouring is now an affiliate of Fred Olsen cruises. One of the things we like about Fred Olsen is the playful approach they have to cruises and touring.  They're a not the biggest name in the cruise industry, but being family-run, they can do things the way they want, and…

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Yes, you get the Holbox to yourself. Flamingos and pelicans and herons…oh my! Holbox Island is beloved by bird nerds for its population of exotic avian life. Perched near the Yucatan Peninsula, the island is also a hot spot for whale shark viewing, and kiteboarders love the shallow waters and wide beaches. The white sand streets are relatively unspoiled, as most tourists…

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Things could get Messi

Can you believe this?  On June 14, 2021, the Hard Rock venues turned 50 and that doesn’t happen every day. To mark this day, they want to share with you their new campaign. It is built on the principles that have guided Hard Rock since the beginning – providing a fresh approach and a call…

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Where women can relax

Let's celebrate the adventurous female travelers who are blazing a path of their own abroad and at home. While there's no question women need to be more cautious when on the road, there are plenty of countries that are accessible and extremely fun to explore alone. From a secluded wine region in Portugal to the…

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Have you seen Medellín?

Medellín, Colombia (pronounced medi-jeen) is yet another eye-opening, mind-blowing, mind-opening world city that is recognised as a must-do adventure, but often bubbles under in people's minds. Why not surprise yourself and put it on your list?  There's loads to do in Colombia's lively Medellín, but to help you get started, our affiliate friends Tiqets have…

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It’s a string thing

Peruvians from the Huinchiri community in Cusco region are rebuilding a 500-year-old Incan hanging bridge, made using traditional weaving techniques to string a crossing together spanning the Apurimac river far below. The Q’eswachaka bridge has been used for over 500 years to connect communities divided by the river. But during the Covid pandemic it fell…

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Give peace a chance

We live in an age in which – for obvious reasons – it’s vital to understand how to build peace. Nuclear proliferation, inter-state and civil wars, terrorism and insurgencies, rising extremisms and hate crimes, social polarisation and increasingly vituperate online diction mean that learning how to reconcile enemies has never been more important. This importance is…

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OTT* travel

As we've written before, the world is getting smaller as it's getting larger.  For better or worse, people around the world are finding more ways to venture to new places, explore new cultures and bask in the visceral joy that travel brings. But, there is another side to this explosion, and that is there are deep…

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Air Transat. What’s that?

To those of us who live in Canada, there is a well-known name, but it might not be as well known to the rest of the world: Air Transat. Air Transat is Canada’s number one leisure airline. It flies to some 60 international destinations in more than 25 countries in the Americas and Europe, offers…

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Sky train

Some of the most striking and beautiful terrain in the world can be found in South America.  In particular, Chile and Argentina possess almost untouched mountains that literally stun you with their immense size and colours. One great way to experience this is to take a train, literally into the clouds, and we can get…

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Rumba rumbles

Emerging from the poor districts of Havana and Matanzas in the 19th century, today rumba is one of Cuba’s most popular art forms. Influenced by African and Spanish traditions of music and dance, its distinctive, syncopated sound requires masterful musicianship and fierce passion from its performers. But, despite being born of marginalisation and oppression, modern…

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You CAN get there from here

If you're an inquisitive pathfinder, likely your dreams and your aspirations take you all over the map.   But the world is a rather big place.  Wouldn't it be great to be able to spend time being there rather than online, planning? Well, have we got news for you.  We'd especially like to feature our affiliate…

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Get away from it all – literally

When people say "get away from it all", that often means driving to the local Holiday Inn.  That is fine, of course, but where can you really go with that phrase? We have a suggestion for you -  a gasp-worthy one.  The Mashpi Lodge in Equador.  Deep in the forest, this sumptuous complex will bring…

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Yes you can, mama in Panama

Panama is world-famous for its 48-mile canal that connects the Pacific Ocean with the Atlantic Ocean. Each year, over a million people visit the canal and are able to witness this engineering marvel at work. Panama is very proud to have this magnificent creation operating 365 days a year, enabling the world's cargo to be…

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The little train that couldn’t

We here at Matouring have often written about the wonders and the practicalities of rail travel.  Much of the world uses it as the default mode of travel.  But the United States has still not caught on to this global way-of-life.  Like it or not, the United States has a big transportation problem. According to…

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São Paulo, let’s go!

Brazil has an undeniable allure for most people:  it almost seems electric.  But, it is also a vast and highly populated country, which can give some people cause when they think about traveling.  But, it doesn't have to be, as this guide from our affiliate friends, Casai, will show you.  We start with São Paulo. For…

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Emirates are shrinking

Emirates airlines, one of our affiliate partners, are known for their fleet of top-of-the-line aircraft:  one of the youngest fleets in the world made up entirely of Emirates A380 and Boeing 777s.  Emirates fly to over 135 destinations every year.  But, the prevailing winds are blowing, and for a number of reasons.  First, aircraft of…

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