If you want to make money in this world, you have to think big. Or, as PT Barnum once said “No one ever made a difference by being like everyone else.”
This is a tale of brave business, a shrewd sense of making big statements and a sense of showing off. But, it is also a story of the love of flying and airplanes, and also wanting to share.
Football fans in Brazil have found an unusual outlet for their enthusiasm – a Boeing 737-200. The airplane resides on the roof of a shopping mall in Contagem, Minas Gerais state and, ahead of the Football World Cup in Qatar, fans arrived to stick thousands of Panini World Cup collection stickers to the aircraft. The event looks to attract fans to the mall and for ‘Instagram worthy’ photos with the aircraft’s unique location during the FIFA World Cup.
Read more here, courtesy of SimpleFlying.com
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