Big Bertha

When will we ever learn?
During World War 1, Belgium was confident that its Fort de Loncin was impregnable, as it used a new method of construction – concrete instead of the typical masonry. But, the concrete was unreinforced.
This led to tragic problems. The weak concrete made the fort vulnerable to enemy artillery, while poor living conditions reduced the fort’s ability to operate under fire.
As a result, The fort was destroyed during the war in the Battle of Liège, when the fort’s magazine was hit by a large-calibre German shell, killing most of the fort’s occupants.
The event marked the debut of the Big Bertha howitzer in combat. Relatively few of the dead were recovered; the site is now a military cemetery. The fort was never reused.
You can visit the fort, as it has been left more-or-less untouched. Once again, a reminder to give peace a chance.