You most likely know the story of Pompei, in all of its shocking story, and it’s indeed very hard to take in. But The History Channel‘s videos about Pompeii and Herculaneum, on YouTube, paint an even more horrifying story of what really transpired. Pompeii: is one thing, but The Bodies of Mount Vesuvius & Herculaneum suffered a fate worse than Pompei. Such that some parts are still buried or not able to be shown for tourists to see. The video below truly brings back the unknown horrors, and shows you why.
Sit down and devote some time with this History Channel video that unveils some of the horrors ( in this case) bodies that were found in Pompeii after the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD, such that they were unrecognizable. The video unveils how the volcanic ash preserved some of the bodies and household goods, but not uniformly. Watch above.

The “Body Casts” are perhaps the most haunting. When the city was buried in ash, the bodies of the victims were decomposed, leaving voids in the ash. Archaeologists later filled these voids with plaster, creating eerily lifelike casts of the victims in their final moments. These casts reveal the agony of their deaths – people clutching loved ones, children huddled in fear.

The Suddenness of Death: Many victims were likely overtaken by the pyroclastic flows – superheated surges of gas and ash that moved at incredible speeds. Death would have been swift and agonizing.
If you want to see this personally, our affiliate friends GetYourGuide have a complete selection of Pompei-related activities. To book, click here

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