In the USA of A, God’s country, no less. What kind of rigamarole is this? What does this even mean? Something must be done! I’m calling my Senator! I know my rights! I’m calling my lawyer. I’m going to sue!
Calm down, Marlene, this is not what you think. For airlines, there’s a lot of prized data floating around out there. Based on traveler bookings, they know which city-pairs are in top demand and make strides to replace one or multi-stop legs with direct flights. This is interesting, but which city pair is the largest unserved route for the United States? It can make a big difference to not only the airline’s profits, but also to the satisfaction of its customers who – let’s face it – can be a rather demanded audience. Well, let’s find out, shall we? Watch the video below (and some content above) courtesy of – without a doubt- one of the best YouTube channels on the planet, especially if you love flight, travel and exploring:

Click here to choose the best times to buy flights, courtesy of

There are plenty of places if you know where to look. Click here for’s huge selection