Emirates are shrinking

Emirates airlines, one of our affiliate partners, are known for their fleet of top-of-the-line aircraft: one of the youngest fleets in the world made up entirely of Emirates A380 and Boeing 777s. Emirates fly to over 135 destinations every year.
But, the prevailing winds are blowing, and for a number of reasons. First, aircraft of that size are expensive to operate and maintain. There are some airports that can’t service them. As luxurious as they are, the trend is moving away from the superjets toward smaller, more modern planes that are less expensive to run, more fuel-efficient and able to utilise smaller airports.
Why is this of interest to you? It means that Emirates will now be able to bring their luxurious services to new countries, cities and airports, including South America, Africa and Asia.. And that’s good news for those who are able to partake in the best-of-the-best.
The video, below, provides more detail on this change of direction.