We have so much choice when we travel nowadays. You can get almost anywhere from anywhere at any time, with incredible deals, offers and prices that were – just a few years ago – only a dream. Because we run a travel website, we have the benefit of sometimes “getting a leg up” as we say in Britain: that’s where we manage to get a little bit ahead of the rest of the pack. It’s a nice feeling when it happens.
Those of you who keep up with our site, know that we’re always looking for something new, something different, rather than the typical “Let’s go to Rome” approach, as nice as that is. And, in the shifting sands of travel, providers come and go. We’re luck enough to have been welcomed into “the big league” when it comes to travel leaders such as Booking.com, Viator, Tiqets and, of course, Expedia.
We’ve tried to work hard to make our relationships with those vendors worthwhile for all involved. So we’re very pleased have been recently invited to the VRBO brand.

We’re sure that most of you know who they are, but what we like about them is that they give us a feel of the company behind them (Expedia) letting them stretch their legs and do something different: something more personal.
We’re really happy about this, because, with their focus on holidays, rentals and stays make an excellent alternative to at least one of the big rental sites: you can probably guess who. But VRBO is aimed at mature travelers, with none of the bad press and bad vibes that seem to leave a wake when ill-mannered “renters” vacate some alternative rental site’sproperties. No hidden cameras. No all-night parties. Who needs that?

Please note that much of these recommendations and observations are partly from our own travel experiences out in the real world, and an equal part of some of the others feel like they’re in a different frame.
See what you think. They also focus on rather impressive properties, which is always nice for when you finally want to slow down and simply enjoy yourself, feet up on the deck. Click here. And just to guild the lilly, Vrbo = Vacation Rentals by Owner. That should say it all. There are VRBO properties worldwide of all shapes and sizes. Interested? To get started, click here.