Regular readers, or even those who know how to perform a search on a website will remember during Covid times, that things were grim. We couldn’t go out. We couldn’t meet with our friends and travel was ha! nothing but a dream. It still almost feels like a script from a horrible second grade film. It still lingers in parts of the world, and there are some who insist that it will appear again. Let us all agree not to make the same mistakes.
During those dismal times, we discovered that there was a hearty group of creative thinkers who started putting webcams on their houses, walls, poles, gardens . . . you name it – and then threw them up on the internet for all to see and all to share. It was a delightful way of not only smashing down the Covid – even if it was on our own sofas, but what it also did was to engender all of us to band together and get over the pandemic – even if it was only in our minds – and fight, fight, fight. Some of us did win, in the end.
Well, imagine our surprise when we recently happened to skim over some YouTube videos – completely unrelated to Covid – and we discovered that the Webcam phenomenon was still alive and kicking! What was even more interesting to us was that even corporate television channels had been getting on on the action, too. Huzzah! So, we will leave behind the horrors of Covid, grab a beer and sit back to relax to the still kicking webcam army. Let’s cheer them on and promote their humanism. Sometimes the best things are free. Click here.

Amazon is a sea of products, some good, some need to go. Get your webcam stuff here. Amazon Woot has tech deals: second hand, fresh out of the box, or simply unloved. It’s a treasure trove, so jump in! Click here

Be a citizen of the world. Jump for joy. Buy well, recycle and promote vendors with the right attitude, such as Amazon. Go forth! We’re right behind you. Click here